Here are a few plugins I have created for Take Command; they may be downloaded freely. I make no warranty or guarantee of their correct operation.
Acquire | Download a file from the internet. Does not use IP*Works, and can be used with TCC/LE. | 1.0.4 2023-10-12 |
APing | Audibly ping a network host. | 2024-04-03 |
ByArgs | Provides keystrokes to move the cursor left and right by arguments, and to delete the argument to the left or right of the cursor. | 0.92.0 2023-10-12 |
CaseFix | Unicode-aware replacements for @CAPS , @LOWER , and @UPPER . |
0.93.0 2023-10-12 |
CEsc | Create and expand C-style character escape sequences. | 0.60.0 2024-04-03 |
CMath | A different approach to doing math at the command line. | 1.0.1 2023-10-12 |
CmdTimer | An automatic command timer for Take Command. | 1.0.2 2023-11-16 |
ConSearch | Searches for text in the console scrollback buffer. | 0.35.0 2023-10-12 |
Domain | Join and leave network domains; check domain membership status. | 0.64.3 2023-10-12 |
EditKeys | Adds a number of new keystrokes to the TCC command line. Exchange two characters or two arguments, insert all arguments from the previous command, clear the screen, do math, expand an expression, easily enter Unicode characters by hex value, scroll up and down by commands, and more. | 0.99.13 2024-05-17 |
EKeys | Define custom hotkeys which operate on the space-delimited word at the cursor. | 0.51.0 2023-10-12 |
Elevated | Provides an @ELEVATED function to test whether a process is running elevated. |
1.0.1 2023-10-12 |
FileUtils | Sundry file- and drive-related features. | 2024-07-26 |
FixNames | Renames files to remove troublesome characters. | 0.45.1 2024-05-06 |
Fortune | Returns a random line from a text file. Provisions are made for not repeating the last n lines retrieved, and for biasing the selection to make some lines more likely than others. | 1.2.4 2023-10-12 |
FunctionHelp | Provides status-bar help for TCC functions. The help text is loaded from a .TXT file at startup, so you can easily modify it, add your own functions, and so on. | 0.93.0 2023-10-12 |
HtmlDecode | Reimplements the @HTMLDECODE and @HTMLENCODE functions
to support all HTML 4 entities, plus a few new features including support for high-order
Unicode characters. |
1.0.2 2023-10-12 |
ISO8601 | Extends Take Command’s date-handling functions with new date formats; a larger, consistently enforced date range; and more consistent validity checking of input dates. Re-implements most date-related variable functions and adds several new ones, plus a few internal variables and commands. There are also some new functions for basic time-related math. | 1.7.4 2024-04-18 |
mksc | Create, modify, list, and extract information from shortcut files. It does
the same basic job as TCC’s internal SHORTCUT command,
but with different syntax, and additional features and capabilities. |
1.4.4 2024-04-03 |
OSD | An enhanced version of the OSD command. Can be used in TCC/LE. |
1.0.11 2024-05-16 |
Palette | Provides an easy way to display, change, load, and save the console color palette. | 2024-03-13 |
PopInfo | Provides a quick way to check a file’s properties while composing a command line. When you press a hotkey, a popup message box will display the file’s size, attributes, date and time stamps, and a few other bits of information. | 1.4.0 2023-10-12 |
PopupFix | Solves issues with TCC’s popup windows, particularly in Console2 and Windows Terminal. | 1.4.2 2024-04-30 |
Primes | Replacements for TCC’s internal @PRIME and @ISPRIME functions,
plus additional factorization-related functions. |
0.99.17 2024-01-24 |
PrinterStuff | Create, delete, and manage printers from within TCC (beta) | 0.70.0 2023-10-12 |
ProcTree | Display a process tree. | 1.1.3 2024-07-02 |
QCal | A stripped-down version of the ISO8601 plugin, containing only the
QCAL command and a (very) few functions. |
1.7.4 2024-04-18 |
Ruler | Displays an on-screen ruler in Take Command. | 1.0.2 2023-10-12 |
SafeChars | Provides functions for reading and writing text which may contain characters having special meaning to TCC (“dangerous” characters.) | 1.10.1 2024-04-03 |
SaveConsole | Saves the console buffer to a text, HTML, or RTF file. Backwards-compatible with
the TCC v21+ internal SAVECONSOLE command. |
1.4.9 2024-06-07 |
Say | Speaks text from the command line, or from a file or pipe. | 1.2.1 2023-11-22 |
ScreenShot | Create screen shots from the command line or in a batch file. | 2024-04-02 |
Sift | Finds the n largest, smallest, oldest, or newest files in a single directory or a directory tree, and sorts them into an array variable. Requires the full Take Command — TCC/LE does not support arrays. | 0.71.2 2023-10-12 |
SMBStuff | Retrieves system information via SMBIOS. Requires Windows Vista or later; will not work with XP or earlier. It will work in Windows PE, provided it’s Vista or later. | 0.26.3 2023-10-12 |
Snapshot | Create and restore snapshots of the console screen buffer. This
is basically a more elaborate take on the SAVECON and
RSTRCON commands in Vincent Fatica's 4CONSOLE plugin. |
1.2.0 2023-10-12 |
SoundVol | This plugin supplies a replacement _VOLUME variable which will
work under Windows Vista and later. For bonus points, it also supplies a
_MUTE variable to return the mute state, and a SOUNDVOL
command to report or change the master volume and mute state. |
1.0.0 2023-10-12 |
TextUtils | A miscellany of text-related features. Count words, sentences, and paragraphs in text; find words in prose text and display them in context; display the lines of a text file in reverse order; return the character encoding and formatting of text files; scramble and unscramble text; generate random passwords and Metaphone codes; a few other features. | 0.85.2 2024-09-03 |
UChars | Adds a few new functions to support high-order Unicode characters. This plugin has been largely obsoleted by Take Command v33, which supports high-order characters natively in the @CHAR
and @UNICODE functions. |
1.4.2 2024-09-03 |
UIStuff | Miscellaneous user-interface features. Get and set the screen resolution for any monitor, the wallpaper image and style, the screen saver settings, and the master sound volume and mute state. | 2024-04-03 |