PrinterStuff plugin for Take Command / TCC / TCC/LE

beta version     2024-06-17

Charles Dye


This plugin provides features to manage local printers from within TCC. It adds commands to create, delete, and list printers; list available printing ports; create and delete IP printing ports; list and cancel print jobs on a given printer; display or set the current user’s default printer; and print a test page. New functions return information about a given printer, create a TCP/IP printing port on the local machine, and allow you to enumerate installed printers. New internal variables return the number of installed printers and printing ports, as well as the name of the current user’s default printer.

Note that these features only affect the local system. This plugin will not create, remove, or change printers on a remote server.


To use this plugin, copy the files PrinterStuff.dll and PrinterStuff.chm to some known location on your hard drive. (If you are still using the 32-bit version of Take Command, take PrinterStuff-x86.dll instead of PrinterStuff.dll.) Load the plugin with a PLUGIN /L command. For example:

plugin /l c:\bin\tcmd\test\printerstuff.dll

If you copy the .DLL file to a subdirectory named PlugIns within your Take Command program directory, the plugin will be loaded automatically when TCC starts.

Syntax Note:

The syntax definitions in the following text use these conventions for clarity:

BOLD CODEindicates text which must be typed exactly as shown.
CODEindicates optional text, which may be typed as shown or omitted.
Bold italicnames a required argument; a value must be supplied.
Regular italicnames an optional argument.
ellipsis…after an argument means that more than one may be given.

Plugin Features:

New commands:
New functions:
New variables:

New Commands:

ADDIPPORT — Create a TCP/IP printing port on the local machine.

ADDIPPORT address ​/P:port ​/Q:queue

addressmost often a static IP, but you may use a hostname instead
/P:portthe name for the new printing port
/Q:queuethe queue name for an LPR port

The address parameter is required.

The new port will be created on the local machine. The new IP port will be a raw TCP port unless /Q:queue is specified, in which case an LPR port will be created. If you don’t supply a port name, the plugin will generate a default name.

If you need to specify a TCP port number, append it to the IP address with a colon, e.g. /A:


Note: This command has been superceded by the @ADDIPPORT function, which does the same job but also returns the name of the newly created port. It may be removed in a future version of this plugin.

ADDPRINTER — Install a printer on the local machine.

ADDPRINTER printername drivername ​/A:address ​/C:comment ​/D ​/I:filename ​/L:location ​/O ​/P:port ​/Q:queue ​/R:filename ​/T

printernamethe name to give the new printer
drivernameas listed in the printer’s installation .INF file
/A:addressa dotted-quad IP address or hostname; a TCP/IP port will be created
/C:commentan optional comment, 255 characters max
/Dmake the new printer the default
/I:filenamefilename of the printer’s installation .INF file
/L:locationthe printer’s physical location; 255 characters max
/Oonly install if the named printer doesn’t already exist
/P:portname of an existing printer port
/Q:queuethe queue name for an LPR port
/R:filenameread printer settings from a data file
/Tsend a test page after installing

You must supply both the printername and drivername parameters. /I:filename might not be necessary if Windows includes support for the printer, or if the driver is already installed on the local computer.

Specify either /A:address or /P:port, but not both. /P will use an existing printer port; /A will automatically create a TCP/IP port for the specified address. The new IP port will be a raw TCP port unless /Q:queue is specified, in which case an LPR port will be created.

If you need to specify a TCP port number, append it to the IP address with a colon, e.g. /A:

If you specify /I:, AddPrinter will search for the tag <Win> in the filename and, if found, replace it with a string indicating the Windows version. This allows you to supply more than one driver, and select the appropriate one at runtime.

XPWindows XP, Server 2003
VistaWindows Vista, Server 2008
Win7Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
Win8Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Server 2012
Win10Windows 10, Server 2016
Winx.yunknown version of Windows; major version x, minor version y

For example, if you type /I:"Drivers\​Yoyodyne 4200n\​<Win>\​oemsetup.inf", the filename will be expanded at runtime to e.g. “Drivers\Yoyodyne 4200n\XP\oemsetup.inf” or “Drivers\Yoyodyne 4200n\Win7-x64\oemsetup.inf”. (If a driver supports more than one operating system, consider using NTFS junctions to map one directory to another.)

If you need to distinguish between x86 and x64 environments, you can use <x64>. This tag is ignored in x86 environments, but replaced with “-x64” in 64-bit environments. For example, if you type /I:"Printers\​DrizzleJet 6502<x64>\​oemsetup.inf", the filename will be either “Printers\DrizzleJet 6502\oemsetup.inf” or “Printers\DrizzleJet 6502-x64\oemsetup.inf”, as appropriate.

Case is not significant in the <Win> and <x64> tags. Remember to quote any parameter containing spaces, less-than or greater-than signs, or any other special characters.

If you specify /R:, ADDPRINTER will attempt to load printer settings from the specified data file. You would create the data file using a PRINTERDATA /S command, saving settings from the exact same printer. Doing this allows you to configure default options like paper trays, duplexing, secured or locked printing, and so on, on one computer; then replicate the printer with its customizations to other systems. The filename supports the same tags as in /I:.

addprinter "LaserJet in Office" "HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL6" /a:

•  Note: Installing printer drivers under Vista or later will require elevation (“Run as Administrator”.)

DEFAULTPRINT — Display or change the default printer.

DEFAULTPRINT printername

printernamethe printer to make the default

Only the current user will be affected. If printername is not specified, the current user’s default printer will be displayed.

DELIPPORT — Delete TCP/IP printing ports from the local machine.

DELIPPORT ​/N ​/Y name…

/Nnot really; don’t actually delete ports
/Yanswer yes to all prompts
namethe name of the port to delete

This command only deletes IP printing ports on the local machine. It will not delete other kinds of ports. You cannot delete any port which a printer is currently attached to.

You must provide at least one name. Quote any name which contains spaces or other special characters.

You may specify one or more name parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. *.45$ to include ports whose names end in “.45$”. Any port whose name matches any of the inclusion masks will be deleted. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*LASER* to exclude all ports whose names contain the string “Laser”. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any port whose name matches any exclusion mask will not be deleted, even if it matches one or more inclusion masks.

If a port name matches a wildcard mask, DELIPPORT will prompt before deleting it. Use /Y to suppress the prompt. If the port name is an exact match — character-for-character, not just a wildcard match — you will not be prompted.

DELPRINTER — Delete printers from the local machine.

DELPRINTER ​/K ​/N ​/Y name…

/Kfor locally controlled IP printers, also remove the port
/Nnot really; don’t actually delete printers
/Yanswer yes to all prompts
namethe name of the port to delete

This command deletes printers only from the system where it is run. If a network printer is specified, the connection will be removed from the local machine, but the printer will still exist on the server.

You must provide at least one name. Quote any name which contains spaces or other special characters.

You may specify one or more name parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. *CANON* to include printers whose names contain “Canon”. Any printer whose name matches any of the inclusion masks will be deleted. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*OFFICE* to exclude all printers whose names contain the string “Office”. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any printer whose name matches any exclusion mask will not be deleted, even if it matches one or more inclusion masks.

If a printer name matches a wildcard mask, DELPRINTER will prompt before deleting it. Use /Y to suppress the prompt. If the printer name is an exact match — character-for-character, not just a wildcard match — you will not be prompted.

KILLJOBS — Cancel print jobs.

KILLJOBS ​/P:printer job…

/P:printerthe printer to cancel print jobs from
job…names or ID numbers of jobs to cancel

If no printer is specified, the default printer will be assumed. The job parameters may be document names, possibly including wildcards; or job ID numbers as listed by the LISTJOBS command.

You may specify one or more job parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. JP* to include all jobs whose names begin with the letters JP. Any job that matches any of the inclusion masks will be canceled. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*.DOC to exclude all .DOC files. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any job which matches any exclusion mask will not be deleted, even if it matches one or more inclusion masks.

Finally, jobs can be job ID numbers, e.g. 12 or 0x0C to delete job #12. Any print job with the specified ID number will be deleted, regardless of any exclusion masks.

If you do not specify any job parameters, KILLJOBS will kill the first print job queued for the specified printer. To cancel all jobs in the queue, specify an asterisk.

killjobs /p:"laserjet 4m" *.doc !*marcia*

LISTJOBS — List print jobs.

LISTJOBS ​/P:printerjob…

/P:printerthe printer to list print jobs for
job…names or ID numbers of jobs to list

If no printer is specified, jobs for the default printer will be listed. The job parameters may be document names, possibly including wildcards; or job ID numbers.

You may specify one or more job parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. JP* to list all jobs whose names begin with the letters JP. Any job that matches any of the inclusion masks will be included in the list. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*.DOC to exclude all .DOC files from the list. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any job which matches any exclusion mask will not be shown, even if it matches one or more of the inclusion masks.

Finally, jobs can be job ID numbers, e.g. 12 or 0x0C to list job #12. Any print job with the specified ID number will be listed, regardless of any exclusion masks.

If you do not specify any job parameters, LISTJOBS will list all print jobs for the specified printer.

LISTPORTS — List local printer ports.

LISTPORTS ​/I ​/N ​name…

/Iinclude IP printer ports
/Ninclude non-IP printer ports
name…may contain wildcards

If neither /I nor /N is specified, both IP and non-IP ports will be listed.

You may specify one or more name parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. LPT* to list all ports whose names begin with the letters LPT. Any port that matches any of the inclusion masks will be included in the list. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*IMAG* to exclude all ports whose names contain the string “IMAG”. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any port which matches any exclusion mask will not be shown, even if it matches one or more inclusion masks.

If you do not specify any name parameters, LISTPORTS will list all printing ports available on the local machine.

LISTPRINTERS — List available printers.


/Ilist local IP printers only
/Llist locally-controlled printers
/Nlist network printers
name…may contain wildcards

If none of /I /L or /N is specified, both local and network printers will be listed.

You may specify one or more name parameters containing wildcards (inclusion masks), e.g. *LASER* to list all ports whose names contain the string “Laser”. Any printer whose name matches any of the inclusion masks will be included in the list. You can also specify wildcarded names to exclude; precede these with an exclamation point, e.g. !*DESK* to exclude all printers whose names contain “Desk”. Exclusion masks override inclusion masks. Any printer whose name matches any exclusion mask will not be shown, even if it matches one or more inclusion masks.

If /V is specified, the list of printers will also include the port name, server name, or IP address for each printer. This field will be truncated to 25 characters.

If you do not specify any name parameters, LISTPRINTERS will list all printers available on the local machine.

PRINTERDATA — Save or restore printer settings.

PRINTERDATA printername /S:filename /R:filename

/S:filenamesave the printer’s settings to a file
/R:filenamerestore the printer’s settings from a file

You must specify either /S: or /R:. If you do not supply a printername, the current user’s default printer will be used.

Printer settings can only be restored to the same printer they were saved from.

PRINTPREFS — Display or change printing defaults.

PRINTPREFS /C:n /D:n /O:n /P:n printername

/C:nset the default color mode
   1: black and white, 2: color
/D:nset the default duplex mode
   1: single-sided, 2: flip on long edge, 3: flip on short edge
/O:nset the default orientation
   1: portrait, 2: landscape
/P:nset the default paper size
   1: letter, 5: legal
printernamedefaults to the user’s default printer

PTRSTUFFHELP — Opens the PrinterStuff plugin help file.


topicthe page to display

The PTRSTUFFHELP command will locate and open this plugin’s help file. In most cases, the internal HELP command, and the F1 and Ctrl-F1 keys, will be more convenient. The sole advantage to this command is that it can be used to open the help file to any desired topic, not only to the names of commands and functions.

SETPRINTER — Change a printer’s status.

SETPRINTER printername ​/OF ​/ON ​/P ​/PU ​/R

/OFtake the printer offline
/ONbring the printer back online
/Ppause the printer
/PUpurge the print queue
/Rrestart a paused printer

Only the first letter or two of the options are checked. You can spell options out for clarity: /OFFLINE, /ONLINE, /PAUSE, and so on.

Quote the printername if it contains spaces. If you do not specify a printername, the current user’s default printer will be assumed.

TESTPAGE — Print a test page.

TESTPAGE printername

Quote the printername if it contains spaces or other special characters. If you do not specify a printername, a test page will be sent to the current user’s default printer.

New Functions:

@ADDIPPORT — Create a TCP/IP printing port on the local machine.


addressmost often a static IP, but you may use a hostname instead
queuethe queue name for an LPR port

The address parameter is required.

The new port will be created on the local machine. The new IP port will be a raw TCP port unless queue is specified, in which case an LPR port will be created. If you need to specify a TCP port number, append it to the IP address with a colon, e.g.

This function returns the name of the newly created port, or ??? if an error occurred.

set port=%@addipport[]

@NUMPORTS — Returns the number of matching printer ports.


IIP printing ports only
NNon-IP printing ports only
wildspecwildcard name to match

If neither I nor N is specified, both IP and non-IP printing ports will be counted. If no wildspec is given, * will be used by default.

@NUMPRINTERS — Returns the number of matching printers.


Ilocal IP printers only
Lprinters controlled Locally
NNetwork printers
wildspecwildcard name to match

If none of I L or N is specified, both local and network printers will be counted. If no wildspec is given, * will be used by default.

@PTRCOMMENT — Returns the comment for the specified printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function will return N/A if the specified printer has no comment, or ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrcomment["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRDRIVER — Returns the driver name for the specified printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function will return ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrdriver["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTREXIST — Returns 1 if the specified printer exists, 0 otherwise.


printername: must be specified

@PTRHOST — Returns the hostname for the specified IP printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

In most cases, the hostname will simply be the IP address. The function will return Not an IP printer if the specified printer is not an IP printer, or ??? on any other error.

echo %@ptrhost["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRIP — Returns the IP address for the specified IP printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function will return Not an IP printer if the specified printer is not controlled an IP printer, or ??? on any other error.

echo %@ptrip["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRJOBS — Returns the number of jobs queued for the specified printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function will return ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrjobs["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRLOC — Returns the location string for the specified printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function will return N/A if the specified printer has no location specified, or ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrloc["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRNAME — Returns the name of a printer.


na nonnegative integer
Lprinters controlled Locally
NNetwork printers

You can use this function to iterate through the names of available printers. %@PTRNAME[0] returns the name of the first printer on the system, %@PTRNAME[1] gives the name of the second, and so on. When n exceeds the number of the last printer, %@PTRNAME[n] will return an empty string.

The index n is required. If neither L nor N is specified, the function will return both locally-controlled and network printers.

for /l %i in ( 0, 1, %@dec[%_numprinters] ) echo %i %@ptrname[%i]

@PTROFFLINE — Returns 1 if Windows thinks that the specified printer is offline, 0 otherwise.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

• Note: The Windows print spooler’s notion of whether a printer is online or offline is frequently wrong. See, for instance, KB160129. If @PTROFFLINE returns a 1, then the printer probably is offline; but if it returns a 0, that is no guarantee that the printer is in fact ready to receive data. User beware.

@PTRPORT — Returns the port to which the specified printer is connected.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

Note that if printername is a network printer, the name @PTRPORT returns will refer to a port on the server, not a port on the local machine! The function will return ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrport["LaserJet in Office"]

@PTRSERVER — Returns the server name for the specified printer.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function returns N/A if the specified printer is controlled locally, or ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrserver["\\JEEVES\Ricoh Copier in Room 105"]

@PTRSHARE — Returns the share name through which the specified printer is accessed.


printername: if omitted, the user’s default printer

The function returns N/A if the specified printer is controlled locally, or ??? on any error.

echo %@ptrshare["\\JEEVES\Ricoh Copier in Room 105"]

New Variables:

_DEFPRINTER — Returns the name of the current user’s default printer, or N/A if no default printer is set.

_NUMPORTS — Returns the number of printer ports available.

See also @NUMPORTS, which allows you to filter the count by name or port type.

_NUMPRINTERS — Returns the number of printers available.

See also @NUMPRINTERS, which allows you to filter the count by name or connection type.

Startup Message:

This plugin displays an informational line when it is loaded. The message will be suppressed in transient or pipe shells. You can disable it for all shells by defining an environment variable named NOLOADMSG, for example:

set /e /u noloadmsg=1


VersionDateChanges NewHelp.cpp to version ShowCmdHelp() to include VER_PATCH. the plugin’s web address. to the current version of NewHelp.cpp.
0.70.02021-09-02When creating an IP printing port, always generates a new, unique port name. New function @ADDIPPORT to create an IP printing port, superceding the ADDIPPORT command. Documents the LISTPRINTERS /V option. The ADDPRINTER <Win> tag now recognizes Windows 8 and Windows 10, and no longer appends ‘-x64’ for 64-bit Windows. (Use <x64> to make this distinction.) Changed the .dll names; PrinterStuff.dll is now the 64-bit build. Tweaks to the VerInfo structure. Much cleanup of the code.
0.66.12017-11-27Updates to the help system.
0.66.02016-05-26Adds PRINTPREFS command.
0.65.52016-03-09Reworks the help system, for systems where the documented HtmlHelp() API is broken.
0.65.42014-08-25Tweaks to the help system; fixes a problem with ADDPRINTER /T.

Status and Licensing:

Consider this beta software. It may well have issues. Try it at your own risk. If you find bugs, you can report them in the JP Software support forum.

PrinterStuff is currently licensed only for testing purposes. I may make binaries and source code available under some free license once I consider it ready for use.


You can download the current version of the plugin from