ScreenShot plugin for Take Command / TCC / TCC/LE
Version 1.1.4 2024-10-02
Charles Dye
This plugin provides an easy way to create screen shots from the command
line or a batch file. It adds one new command,
, and one new
variable, _LASTSSFILE
To use this plugin, copy ScreenShot.dll to
some known location on your hard drive. (If you are still using the 32-bit
version of Take Command, take ScreenShot-x86.dll
instead of ScreenShot.dll.) Load the .DLL file
with a PLUGIN /L
command, for example:
plugin /l c:\bin\tcmd\test\screenshot.dll
If you copy this file to a subdirectory named PlugIns within your Take Command program directory, it will be loaded automatically when TCC starts.
Plugin Features:
New command: SCREENSHOT
New variable: _LASTSSFILE
Syntax Note:
The syntax definitions in the following text use these conventions for clarity:
BOLD CODE | indicates text which must be typed exactly as shown. |
CODE | indicates optional text, which may be typed as shown or omitted. |
Bold italic | names a required argument; a value must be supplied. |
Regular italic | names an optional argument. |
ellipsis… | after an argument means that more than one may be given. |
New Command:
— Save a picture of
a window or the desktop.
/A /C /D /E /F /H:
hwnd /K:
class /M:
n /O /P:
pid /Q /R:
resize /T /W:
title /X:
/A | desktop, all monitors |
/C | client area of the window only |
/D | desktop (default) |
/E | entire window area |
/F | the foreground window |
/H: hwnd | window handle |
/K: class | window class; wildcards are okay |
/M: n | monitor number, 0-based; implies /D |
/O | overwrite any existing file |
/P: pid | process ID; decimal or hex with leading 0x |
/R: resize | resize the image |
/Q | quietly (no success message) |
/T | Take Command’s window |
/W: title | window title; wildcards are supported |
/X: text | add text to the snapshot |
filename | may be CLIP: or PRINT: Directory aliases are OK |
This command saves a picture of a window, or of the desktop,
to a file or to the clipboard. To capture the desktop, specify /D
or no options; /D
is the default mode. In a multiple-monitor
system, you can specify a monitor with /M:
The monitor number n is zero based; use
for the first monitor, /M:1
for the second, and
so on. You can also use /M:128
to capture the entire virtual
screenshot /d
captures the entire desktop across all
monitors. /A
is just an abbreviation for /M:128
To capture a single window, use either /F
, /H:
, or any combination of /K:
, /W:
, and
to specify the window:
captures the foreground window./H:
hwnd captures the window with the specified window handle./T
captures the Take Command window./W:
, and/K:
search for a window matching the specified conditions; these three may be combined as needed.
title finds a window with a
matching title; you can use wildcards in title.
pid finds a window owned by the
specified process ID. /K:
class finds
a window of the specified window class; you can use wildcards in
class also. SCREENSHOT
will capture
the first top-level window it finds which matches all of the given conditions.
With any of the above window options, you can also add /C
to capture only the window’s client area, minus the window frame and title bar.
Note that /C
may fail horribly with programs such as Google Chrome and
Microsoft Edge, which use video acceleration.
screenshot /w:*notepad
uses the window’s own context to
capture the entire window. This is the old behavior, the way ScreenShot worked
before version 1.1. It may fail with programs such as Google Chrome and Microsoft
Edge, which use video acceleration. /E
might be useful for capturing
windows which are partly or completely off-screen.
You can specify the filename for the image file.
If the specified filename exists, SCREENSHOT
will give an error message unless you also specify /O
. Directory
aliases and CLIP:
are supported. The filename
must end in one of these supported extensions:
.bmp | |
.jpg or .jpeg | |
.png | |
.gif | |
.tif or .tiff |
If filename is not specified, or if it names a
directory, SCREENSHOT
will generate a filename from the current
date and time. Generated filenames will end in .png
by default.
You can choose a different file type for auto-generated filenames by setting
an environment variable SCREENSHOTEXT
one of the supported extensions above. Only the extensions listed above will
work, and the leading dot is required. The file will be created in the current
working directory, unless you specify a directory on the command line or set an
environment variable SCREENSHOTPATH
screenshot /d desktop.jpg
set screenshotext=.jpeg
screenshot /d
You may also specify PRINT:
as a filename. In this case,
will dump the screen shot to your default printer.
Printing is very basic; there is no header or footer, and your printer’s
default preferences will be used. For more sophisticated printing, use
instead and paste the image into
any graphics editing
The /R:
option allows you to resize the
image when saving it to a file. You can specify the new size as a percentage,
or as a pixel width and height. To give a percentage, type two percent
signs after the value:
screensave /r:85%% test.jpg
You need to double the percent sign because TCC’s variable expansion will swallow a single percent sign.
Alternatively, you can specify an absolute pixel width and height:
screensave /r:1024,768 test.jpg
You can omit either the new width or the new height, but not both:
rem To specify a new width (the height will be kept proportional)
screensave /r:512 test.jpg
ren To specify a new height (the width will be kept proportional)
screensave /r:,384 test.jpg
is ignored if the filename is PRINT:
You can add text to the snapshot with
text. Quote the
text if it contains spaces or other
special characters. There is also a handful of options to format the text;
these must come before the /X:
/XS: size | specify the text size | /XS:12 |
/XF: face | specify the typeface | /XF:Georgia |
/XC: color | specify the color | /XC:Orange |
/XX: x | specify the left edge | /XX:50 |
/XY: y | specify the top edge | /XY:0 |
/XB | boldface text | |
/XI | italic text | |
/XU | underline text | |
/XN | regular text |
These options only affect /X:
options which follow them.
Note that /XC:
uses W3C color names, not the (much shorter)
list of CGA colors supported by most TCC commands. You can find a list of W3C
colors here
or here
or here.
You can also specify RGB values in hexadecimal, as
rem Add a big yellow date and time:
screenshot /d /xs:48 /xx:10 /xy:10 /xc:yellow /x:"%_date %_time" test.png
0 | success |
1 | error on command line: unknown option, bad value, etc. |
2 | operational error: can’t find window, file error, etc. |
New Variable:
— Returns the
filename of the last screen shot.
If the last call to SCREENSHOT
saved successfully to a file or the clipboard, this function will return the
complete filename. If an error was encountered, it will return
has not been called yet,
this variable returns an empty string.
echo %_lastssfile
This might be useful after SCREENSHOT
generates its own
Control Variables:
You can set environment variables to control the default behavior of
: Sets the extension used when generating a
filename. It must be one of the following, and the leading period is
.bmp | |
.jpg or .jpeg | |
.png | |
.gif | |
.tif or .tiff |
: Sets the default location for screenshot
files. The default is the current directory.
Startup Message:
This plugin displays an informational line when it initializes. The
message will be suppressed in transient or pipe shells. You can disable it
for all shells by defining an environment variable named NOLOADMSG
for example:
set /e /u noloadmsg=1
1.1.4 | 2024-10-02 | Updates FindMyWindow.cpp to v1.1.1.4.
Now ParseInt() supports octal with a leading 0o . Changed http:// to https:// in the PLUGININFO block. | | 2024-04-02 | Minor tweak to FindMyWindow.cpp:
now Windows Terminal detection does not rely on the WT_SESSION environment variable. | | 2024-03-13 | Minor tweaks to ForceForegroundWindow(). |
1.1.3 | 2023-12-06 | In the default operating mode (without /C or /E ),
does a better job of finding the window’s edges.Replaced GetTakeCommandWindow() with FindMyWindow.cpp; now /T should also
find Windows Terminal, ConEmu, and Console2 windows.If the window is of a class known to use hardware acceleration (Google Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox, Windows Terminal), /C and /E will be disabled automatically.Cosmetic: Changed a bunch of ASCII apostrophes to fancy Unicode quotes, mostly in error messages. | | 2023-10-15 | Tweaked ShowCmdHelp() to include
VER_PATCH . | | 2023-10-12 | Updated the plugin’s web address. | | 2023-07-25 | Updated ParseArgs.cpp and w3ccolors.cpp to the current versions. |
1.1.2 | 2021-12-22 | No longer call TakeCommandIPC() dynamically. That hasn’t been necessary for a long, long time. |
1.1.1 | 2021-12-21 | Fixed an issue calling TakeCommandIPC() from 64-bit TCC. |
1.1.0 | 2021-11-11 | Now it works, mostly,
with programs like Chrome and Edge which use video acceleration. (/C still fails.)
Added /E to return to the original behavior.Now /D with no monitor specified defaults to the default monitor, not necessarily
monitor #0.Now SCREENSHOT gets the correct resolution for monitors with differing DPI scaling.Documented /A ; removed /C from the /? help text. |
1.0.1 | 2021-07-08 | Changes to the VerInfo structure. Switched the filenames; now ScreenShot.dll is the 64-bit file. |
1.0.0 | 2017-11-29 | First release. |
Status and Licensing:
This plugin is © Copyright 2024, Charles Dye. Unaltered copies of the binary and documentation files may be freely distributed without restriction. I make no guarantee and give no warranty for its operation. If you find a problem, you can report it in the JP Software support forum.
You can download the current version of the plugin from